The adventure begins in 2016, when Abdullah moves from Kuwait to Amman for undertaking his university studies and, finding himself far away from family & friends, decides to discover things to do in Jordan. It is thanks to his curiosity and initiative that Abdullah participates to his first canyoning adventure which at first glance turns on the flame of passion about these kind of activities.
Afterwards Abdullah’s thought goes toward his home country, with the wish to popularize adventure trips to his community, therefore in 2017 he founds FTU 965 and organizes the first canyoning adventure from Kuwait to Jordan.
FTU 965 is the initial name and the acronym FTU means Finding The Universe, whilst 965 stands for the country code number for Kuwait. Later, in 2019, Abdullah decides to modify the name to FTU Adventure, because his vision is to expand to international level and publicize a different approach of traveling around the world to Finding The Universe.